by Lachlan Sleight | May 15, 2016 | Fortnightly, Uncategorized, Vectra
Hey guys! I totally missed last fortnight – was busy working on what I’m busy working on right now! It’s a new project that has the working title of “Vectra” – I’m too busy actually making it right now to want to spend the...
by Lachlan Sleight | Apr 17, 2016 | Fortnightly, Uncategorized
Hey internet! It’s been a pretty quiet week at home for me – most of the interesting stuff I’ve been working on has been at work (so much juicy data to mine). I did discover the beauty and fun of Whitney Music Boxes – a kind of mathematical...
by Lachlan Sleight | Nov 23, 2015 | GEOM, Mountaineer, Projects, Uncategorized
It’s been an absolutely crazy couple of weeks at work so I haven’t had much time to work on my personal projects. I have been doing bits and pieces though. I finished a set of updates to Mountaineer (I have two more features to add on my roadmap), started...
by Lachlan Sleight | Oct 11, 2015 | MIDI VR, Projects, Uncategorized
I’d like to share with you a new/old project I’m currently working on. It’s current working title is MIDI VR. In short, it allows the user to plug a MIDI keyboard into their computer, and experience immersive 3D visualisations of the music they play as they play it....